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In this post, I want to talk to you about what it means to “help me with my unbelief.” So many people lack faith or they lack in believing that God can do what they think he can do. And because it is within our natural ability to lack faith in our own potential and sometimes what God can do through us, we find ourselves asking God to help my unbelief. Let me explain.
1. Help Me With My Unbelief ~ Remember Who You Are
Did you know that you are a freakin powerful human being? Sometimes we just need to be reminded of that. You may be looking at your account right now, you may be feeling broke, you may be feeling anything but powerful but that is the trickery. That so often we get so caught up in our problems and everything that is going wrong that we actually forget who we are? And that we are powerful. This is going to bring me to my next point. But first, don’t forget to check out my video down below on remembering who you are, and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel. You can also stream the song here.
2. Help Me With My Unbelief ~ Remember You Are Apart Of God
The reason why we can ask God to help my unbelief is that we are a part of God. And being a part of God comes with many perks. Mainly that God can help you do what you cannot do or have faith for. Not only did God breath HIS OWN breathe in you:
Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Genesis 2:7
BUT we were also made in God’s image.
So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them. Genesis 1:27
3. Help Me With My Unbelief ~ What This Means To You When It Comes To Lacking Faith
You have to believe that you are amazingly powerful and it is within your ability to get what you want. Simply because you were made in God’s image. So that must make you a special somebody, a powerful somebody, and sometimes we need to harness into that part that God gave us and stand in our power in all things.
Stop being scared of people, stop letting people treat and talk to you any kind of way. Stop being afraid to take a leap of faith or telling yourself that you are not good enough to do, have, be, live, prosper OR those good things and miracles only happen to other people but not you. Also, check out my video down below on how God wants us to prosper.
4. Help Me With My Unbelief ~ Asking God To Help My Unbelief Vs Trying To Do It On Your Own
Now I had to set the groundwork for how you can understand how to ask God to help with my unbelief. Even if your human mind believes that you are limited. Tap into that other part, the spirit part. The one that God speaks to. Tap into that part that was made in God’s image and God breathed life into it. And use that part when all seems lost and impossible.
As much as God talks to me I can STILL TO THIS DAY that I can be a doubting Thomas and God and I are pretty freakin close and I STILL DOUBT my own power. OR rather the power God invested in me and what God can do through me. But now instead of giving in to the doubt I simply ask God “help my unbelief.” Which I also talk about in my video down below for more on how to ask God to help my unbelief.
5. Help Me With My Unbelief ~ Asking God To Help My Unbelief Vs Trying To Do It On Your Own
To get into how you can ask God to help me with my unbelief we have to dive into where the Bible verse came from.
Take the following Bible verse ~ Help my unbelief verse
Jesus asked the boy’s father, “How long has he been like this?” “From childhood,” he answered. “It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.” “‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes. “Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” “Mark 9:21-24
6. Help Me With My Unbelief ~ What This Means For You
Sometimes we doubt our own power and what God can do through us and in us. Doubting is not the problem, we are human after all. In those times, just ask God to help your unbelief. The part of you that doubts how powerful you really are. Step back into your power and do not let insecurities and fear allow you to doubt who you are. You are a child of God and you have some of God in you. USE THAT!
Use that to ask God to help my unbelief and watch him come through for you. Also, consider getting my Christian Manifestation Guide with Bible verses and affirmations that can assist you when you need God to help your unbelief. Click here to buy.

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