To listen to the blog post “Why God Is Your Husband & The Benefits To Being His Wife” over reading it then just click the play button below.
In this post, I want to talk about God is your husband when you are single and how you can fully take advantage of that. When I say that God is your husband that comes from the “husband to the husbandless scripture.”
You can be a widow, a never-married woman, a divorced woman, or even a single mom; if you are not married and you find yourself getting all bent up and out of shape because you do not have a husband I want you to understand today that you have one, God. AND I am going to back what I am saying up by scripture. As a single woman, it is important for you to know how God can be your husband and in what way you benefit from it.
Why God is your husband scripture #1
God is my husband Bible verse: For your Maker is your husband the Lord Almighty is his name the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth. The Lord will call you back as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit a wife who married young, only to be rejected, says your God. Isaiah 54:5-6
God Is My Husband & What this means for you as a husbandless woman
I started out with this verse just to let you know that God clearly says that He is your husband and that He has called you out to be His wife. In other words, I should not hear any Christian woman walking around being all depressed talking about how no one wants them and no one wants to make them their wife.
As the above scripture says if you are an unmarried woman that feels rejected DON’T. God does not reject you and He wants to call you out from your past bad relationships, divorce, or situations with men that left you feeling used and abused and it just did not work out. He wants to bring you from a place of desperation and feeling unwanted to being His wife.
Now imagine how privileged you should feel by becoming the WIFE of God. Why would you sit and worry about the men that did not want you or the men that you felt rejected by? A better husband has called you out to be His own. So get rid of that low self-esteem, rejection, and feeling of being unwanted. Never forget your royal position (click here to read my blog). As a wife of God, you are a Queen.
I also have a video on which you can watch below and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel by clicking here.
God is your husband scripture #2
A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. Psalm 68:5
God Is My Husband & What this means for you as a husbandless woman
I wrote about this scripture in my father to the fatherless blog which you can read here. I want to specifically talk to my single moms with this verse. I know it says widows, but as I said in a previous blog, look at it as an unmarried woman with a child.
Not only can God be your husband and your defender as an unmarried woman with a child. BUT he can also be a father to your children. If you are a single mom mourning over the fact that you have no husband and your child has no dad, then get over that. You have both, God can be BOTH for you if you allow it.
Husband to the husbandless scripture #3
I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy. I promised you to one husband, to Christ, so that I might present you as a pure virgin to him. 2 Corinthians 11:2
God Is My Husband & What this means for you as a husbandless woman
This does not mean that God is so jealous for you that He always wants you to be single and that you can only be married to God and not anyone else. You are not a Nun for goodness sake. This verse also does not mean that you have to be a virgin in order to be seen as worthy by God.
What the “virgin” in this verse means is that when you are joined to God you are seen a being brand new and all your past transgressions are washed away.
And while God is your husband as the above verse says He is washing you and making you clean. He is turning you into a new woman and preparing you so that you can be presented as a real bride.
Before I go any further I want you to check out my video on the type of woman that God wants you to be. You should always be improving yourself as a bride of Christ until your real husband comes.
Take the following Bible verse about Esther:
Before a young woman’s turn came to go in to King Xerxes, she had to complete twelve months of beauty treatments prescribed for the women, six months with oil of myrrh and six with perfumes and cosmetics. Esther 2:12
Esther could not just come off the street and be presented to the king. Esther had to go through preparation to become Queen (see my blog here). Once she was done with the preparation then she was ready to be presented to the king. That is the same way that God wants to present to you.
God being jealous for you means that He is not going to just give you to anyone and allow anyone in your life. Think of it this way, God is like the father who gives you away at your wedding. The bride is presented to her future husband and the father must approve of the husband.
I know this sounds so backward in the fact that God can be both husband and father, but just like a father cares about who his daughter ends up with and does not want her to be with any man that is not good for her. God’s is jealous for you in that way, when He is ready to give you away on your wedding day, He wants it to be to a good man deserving of you and a man that is not going to take you away from Him (meaning God).
Just like he did with Queen Esther he had a plan to give her away to a KING, not just anyone which I also have a video below that you can watch.
When God is Your Husband scripture #4
I will betroth you to me forever; Yes, I will betroth you to me in righteousness and in justice, in loving kindness and in compassion. Hosea 2:19
God Is My Husband & What this means for you as a husbandless woman
As a single woman, God is your husband. He has already told you that. God will love all upon you and give you the natural love and compassion that you want to feel from a husband. All the love that you feel you are lacking from men God can give you and God can teach you how you deserved to be love.
From God, you will learn what to look for in a man because you will find someone to love you in the same way that God loves you. The only way you can figure out how God loves you by actually be married to God and developing a relationship with Him.
God is your husband now forever and always. In a weird sense God is a polygamist in the sense that once you are married to Him then you are always married to Him even if you get an Earthly husband. If you are a reader of my blog then you have heard me say time and time again that people are not the source of your happiness.
So even when you get married you will have problems with your husband, that is where God comes in because He is your husband still. No matter what you are going through, no matter what is happening, and no matter what your life situation is God is always there for you to go to and to be YOUR husband even when your Earthy husband has let you down.
God is your husband scripture #5
Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear.
Then the angel said to me, Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!
And he added These are the true words of God. Revelation 19:7-9
God Is My Husband & What this means for you as a husbandless woman
When you accept Jesus you have an invitation to be his bride and as his bride, God will transform you into the woman that you need to be. I know that as a single woman when I decided to become a bride of Christ He made me into a different person because I belonged to Him. In case you are confused about what in the world I am talking about taking the following Bible verse:
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her to sanctify her, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word Ephesians 5:26
A husband’s job is to love His wife, give Himself up for her, and wash her through the word. As you go through a marriage with God, then know that He is never going to let you sit in your foolishness and allow you to be the same jacked up person as before.
He is always going to wash you, prepare you, and prune you to be the best version of yourself. Can you imagine being married to God and being a hot mess? God would never allow his bride to be a hot mess. So becoming married to Him means a transformation for you.
And remember never just sit around and wait and do nothing you should always actively wait and be doing something until your real husband comes which I have a video on down below.
Final Thoughts
God can be the husband to the husbandless. In fact, God is your husband. So never feel like you are not in a relationship with someone you are in a relationship with God first and foremost.
And being in a relationship with God comes great responsibility just like God will be responsible for you. He will be your husband in the sense that He will love you, provide for you, and He will always push you. He will push you to be a better person and what He called you to be so that you can truly call yourself a Bride of Christ.
If you know someone that could use this post then please feel free to share it with them.
Also, check out my book for single women for more advice which you can click here to buy, or if you are undecided then click here to get the first few chapters free.
Thank you. I am discovering who God is and found your article at the right moment I just needed something underlined.
God bless your ministry.
Thank you so much and I am so happy that you enjoyed the post.
Hi. Where is the scripture that he says he will be a husband to the husbandless? I cannot find it and know I have read it before.
Hello My beautiful sister in Christ! Much love from Namibia. I just discovered your blog tonight after searching “how to deal with deadbeat dad” on youtube and found your video, which lead me to watch all your videos and start reading all your blog posts! All i can say is that God Bless You Sis. You have transformed my life in only 2 hours. Your posts and videos addresses everything i have been struggling with for over 2 years. I was a young teen bride and mother and my husband became abusive and rejected me , he then went and married another woman on my bday a few months after our divorce and their newborn was present. I felt like my son and I were just made to vanish into thin air like we never existed and have been bitter and angry and sad for a long time. You are a Godsent and thank you so much , you have given me a new lease on life! And i will surely be buying your book sister! Stay blessed
Thank you so much for your support and I am happy you enjoyed my content. God Bless.
This was a beautiful article. But one thing I did not agree with was where you said: “You should always be improving yourself as a bride of Christ until your real husband comes.” God is your REAL husband because when we die the bond of marriage here on earth with a man is broken and we are eternally married to the Lamb. I am married, but I consider the Lord to be my One True Married Love!
Interesting perspective thanks for your comment.
How can one be a daughter of the King and God be your husband? 2 totally different types of relationships. I’m really trying to wrap my mind around exactly who I am in Christ.
I have another blog on it, https://sophie-sticatedmom.com/2015/12/03/well-this-is-love/ But I think it is important to not get too caught up in titles but that he can be both to you. In the way that he loves you and wants you to be loved.