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I am going to tell you how to interpret a dream yourself and even your dreams from God. The fact of the matter is that God has always spoken to people in their dreams. If you read the Bible, then you will clearly see that. On the other hand not, all dreams are from God and some of them are just a reflection from your subconscious mind.
This also can be helpful because they tend to give you a deep dive into what you are really feeling and what is really bothering you. Before we get into the post it, I would consider watching my video on how God speaks to us in dreams so that you can get a better understanding of dreams that are from God. And also don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking here.
Now, let us get into how to interpret a dream.
1. How To Interpret A Dream ~ Document the dream
Obviously, the best way to interpret a dream is to write it down. You can click my affiliate link here to get a dream journal. I always recommend a dream journal because beyond just writing down the dream you also want to note how you felt during the dream, record every single detail of the dream, and even where you were when you had the dream. And a dream journal will help you remember to write down all these components.
All the things will come in handy when you come to interpret your dream. Often when I get dreams from God one of the main ways that I can tell that they are dreams from God is I can hear or feel God talking to me at certain points during the dream. It is important to remember and document these aspects of the dream as soon as you wake up. Do not wait because if you do then certain aspect of the dream will be lost that you will not be able to remember later.
Therefore, a dream journal will help guide you to properly document the dream because it will help you remember each and every aspect of the dream that you are supposed to write down.
2. How To Interpret Dreams Biblically, How To Interpret Dreams Spiritually, How To Interpret a Dream From God
If you want to learn how to interpret a dream then it is best for you to know that not every dream is from God but it is still worthwhile in learning to interpret a dream no matter if it is from God or not. But the dreams from God have a much different meaning over dreams that are just apart of you.
- How To Interpret Dreams Biblically, How To Interpret Dreams Spiritually, How To Interpret a Dream From God: Dreams from God usually have a point to them, and the point that God may be trying to warn you of something, tell you something in your future of give you a message. If we look at the story of Joseph in the Bible the dreams that were sent by God consisted of:
- How To Interpret Dreams Biblically, How To Interpret Dreams Spiritually, How To Interpret a Dream From God (Case In Point) Giving Joseph a dream about his future telling him that he was going to be powerful (Genesis 37). The point of this dream was that Joseph was sold into slavery and went to prison first before he reached that point. So, it is possible that God gave Joseph this dream to give him comfort that he had a destiny even though he would have to go through a large amount of hardship to get there.
Even though the dreams took years and years to come true, Joseph could hang on to the promises of God even in the times when he was struggling and it did not look like things were going to work out for him. So, the dream was a prophetic dream to give Joseph hope.
- How To Interpret Dreams Biblically, How To Interpret Dreams Spiritually, How To Interpret a Dream From God ~ Another dream that was sent from God was the dream to Pharaoh that would warn about the famine (Genesis 41). God gave Pharaoh that dream as a warning so that he could make preparations to prevent the entire nation from starving to death. In this case, the dream could be changed.
- How To Interpret Dreams Biblically, How To Interpret Dreams Spiritually, How To Interpret a Dream From God ~ Third, God gave a dream to two prisoners that were in prison with Joseph (Genesis 40). One of the dream interpretation was that one prisoner was going to be set free and the other executed. In these dreams, this was just a warning because it happened regardless and there was nothing they could do to change it.
3. How To Interpret Dreams Biblically, How To Interpret Dreams Spiritually, How To Interpret a Dream From God ~ So the dreams from God are always for a reason to tell you something and how you can determine it is that:
- The dream disrupts your soul. (Genesis 41: 7-8 Then Pharaoh woke up; it had been a dream. In the morning his mind was troubled)
- You may feel that someone is speaking to you during the dream and telling you the interpretation right away. As in the case in
Revelations 10:8 Then the voice that I had heard from heaven spoke to me once more: “Go, take the scroll that lies open in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land.” Where an angel from God spoke to him in the dream and gave him directives.
- The dream is reoccurring and you have an inner knowing that there is a meaning. Pharaoh had his dream multiple times in different forms because God was trying to send him a message until he got the meaning of the dream so that he could prepare for the famine.
Genesis 41-3-5 After them, seven other cows, ugly and gaunt, came up out of the Nile and stood beside those on the riverbank. And the cows that were ugly and gaunt ate up the seven sleek, fat cows. Then Pharaoh woke up. He fell asleep again and had a second dream.
For me personally how I know that the dream is a God-given dream is that the dream is typically longer, follows a storyline, has great detail, God will speak to me at points through the dream, and tell me what certain things mean. And I tend to wake up like a jolt right after the dream is over (just as in the case with Pharaoh in his dream). In this way, the dream is easier to remember, document and can stay with you for a few days because you feel they have a hidden meaning.
Even in the case of Pharaoh, the dream stuck with him to the point that he tried to find any and everyone to interpret it. That is how significant he just KNEW the dream was:
Genesis 41:8 In the morning his mind was troubled, so he sent for all the magicians and wise men of Egypt. Pharaoh told them his dreams, but no one could interpret them for him.
If you cannot forget the dream or the details of a dream that is a good indication that God is trying to tell you something.
I also highly suggest that you get this book: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Dreams You Dream: Biblical Keys for Hearing God’s Voice in the Night (Click here to buy)
Not only is this book a dream dictionary that is Christian based but it is a book that will give you a better understanding of how to understand your dreams, interpret your dreams, and how God-given dreams are formatted and why. This way you can better understand which dreams are God is given versus the ones that are apart of your subconscious.
4. How To Interpret A Dream ~ does the dream come from your mind?
Most of the dreams that come from your subconscious are still significant because they are dreams that you have something you need to deal with. These dreams can be shorter, and more scattered, and you may not be able to remember each detail as much as a God-given dream. You may be able to remember it as you wake but the details of the dream may fade during the day if you do not record them.
The dream may also reflect something in your waking life. If you feel helpless in life, then in your dream you may be trying to get a task done but you can’t thus symbolize the helplessness in your real life. Your subconscious dreams may mirror your everyday emotions even if you may not realize it at first. This is why it is important to write down the dream still so that when you learn how to interpret your dream you will see which dream comes from where.
5. How To Interpret A Dream ~ Interpret the dream
For this part, you are going to want to have a dream dictionary. First, I highly suggest that you get this
- The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Dreams You Dream: Biblical Keys for Hearing God’s Voice in the Night: one that is Christian based and it has a dream dictionary in the back of the book along with telling you how to better interpret your dream.
Even though that dream dictionary is great, it also does not have everything. Which is why I suggest another more intense dream dictionary here are some of the ones I suggest:
- Dreams Revealed: Handbook for Biblical Dream Interpretation (click here to buy) . This handbook is for biblical dream interpretation provides the basic tools and information to get dreamers started understanding dreams. The book contains the scientific and spiritual basics of dreaming, an explanation of what to do with dreams, instructions for how to interpret dreams, and a dream symbol dictionary to explain the spiritual meanings behind words.
- Dreamer’s Dictionary (click here to buy) This backlist favorite, selling over 1 million copies since its first publication. The result of years of research, this easy-to-use guide tells how to distinguish the four types of dreams, identify dream symbols, and understand meanings.
As you interpret the dream you want to pick out major symbolism, colors, place, and anything that you remember during the dream and compare it to the dictionary. It is also important not to take the dream dictionary as absolute.
Meaning that if you see a moon in your dream and you compare it to the dream dictionary and the meaning of the moon does not resonate with you then do not take on that interpretation. Instead be sure to interpret other aspects of the dream and then try to place the unknown aspect of the dream into place afterward, taking only what makes sense to you.
Also, as the Bible says pray about the meaning of the dream to ensure that it is correct. At the end of the day, the purpose of a dream is not to get the dream meaning wrong that will serve you no purpose. But to ensure that you get it right and God is the best way to confirm what the dream means.
6. How To Interpret A Dream ~ Practice Makes Perfect
Dream interpretation is an art and it takes practice. I am certain that it is something that anyone can do but don’t just think that you are having one dream and trying to interpret it you are going to get it 100% right.
This is why it is important to keep a dream journal once again click here to buy. Interpret the dreams as they come, and revisit them often to see if your interpretation is correct. This can be months over even years down the line as even for some dreams from God that is how long the dreams can take to come true. And interpret your dreams often so that you get better and better at it. Once you learn how to interpret dreams and to even recognize the dreams from God you will notice how much the dream space can help you in your everyday life.
If you know someone who can read this post, then feel free to share it with them. And last but not least consider checking out my guide on spiritual fasting. If you need an answer from God in what he is doing in your life or even if you need a better understanding of what God is trying to tell you then this guide will help you do that through spiritual fasting. Click here to buy.
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