In this post, I am going to be doing a review of the mega Brazilian human hair stylemix by Mane Concept. If you have taken a visit to the beauty supply store then I know you have seen these one pack solutions. All that really means is that everything that you need to have your hair done is complete in this one pack.
Some packages are more expensive then others, but this Mega Brazilian Human Hair Style Mix was pretty much on the cheap side. In fact, I got the entire pack for a little bit under $30 (three bundles of hair and a closure). I wanted to do a detailed review of the entire hair.
I know that many of you do not have just $300 to $1,000 to spend on some hair. But the fact that you cannot spend a mortgage payment on hair should not stop you from looking good. Which is why this Mane Concept hair may be worth the buy. You can still look good without spending an arm and a leg.
This hair is by Mane Concepts and there are so many other brands that are doing the exact thing. In fact, when I was in the beauty supply store I spent a significant amount of time running my fingers through every cheap Brazilian hair package before settling on this one. The main reason being is because this hair was displayed on the mannequin head at the store. It was soft, it had body, it seemed like a better quality over some of the others, and it had so many other colors to choose from. Which for me can be important because I get tired of wearing just plain black hair.
Mega Brazilian human hair Stylemix ~ About The Hair
What my choice came down to was the color that I wanted the hair in (F1b/30), and the fact that the bundles were a nice length coming in at 18, 16, and 14. The hair is not 100 percent human hair but rather a human hair blend. The entire pack is enough for your entire head. In fact, I had a few inches of wefts left over. Also, the weft of the hair is pretty thick which for me makes it a lot easier to actually apply the hair with glue. If you are interested in some others colors, you can check below to see what other colors they have.
The pack also comes with a closure but I did not use it this time. I must say that the closure was constructed pretty well for what it was. The closure is really just a basic closure, with one part through the middle, it is not a free part or anything like that. So once you put your closure in your head then that is pretty much it. There is no versatility in the parting space that would allow you to change it once it is on your head. The hair is heat resistant so you can flat iron it. I did it up to about 400F with no damage to the hair.
Mega Brazilian human hair Stylemix ~ Styling the Hair
What I decided to do with this hair was to do a quick weave which I am going to demonstrate in my Instagram video below. Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram for more hair inspiration (click here to do so).
Some of the items that you are going to need to style the hair include:
The Man Concept Mega Brazilian Human Hair Style Mix Hair. It seems that this hair is hard to find online so you can go to your local beauty supply to pick it up. However, there are tons of other one pack solution as you can see below.
- A dome cap (click to buy) or a wig construction cap (click to buy).
- Hair bonding glue (click to buy).
- Got2B glued hair spray (click to buy)
- Edge Control (click to buy)
- Flat Iron to blend your hair (Click to Buy)
- Small Comb (click to buy)
- White makeup pencil (click to buy)
I know the video is in warp speed but here are some simple instructions on what I did.
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Step: 1 Braid and Leave Out
Just make sure your hair is braided underneath and for this style, you can leave out your edges as well as a small where you want your part to be. Remember, to part your hair underneath beforehand and then trace the outline of the part with a white makeup pencil. This will help you not to glue over the parting space when laying the hair. Once that is done then just apply the cap.
Step: 2 Spray Your Hair
The cap has small holes in them, and although it would not be the end of the world if you got hair glue on your hair it just makes life and removal a lot easier if you do not get glue on your hair. So, after applying the cap just spray your hair A LOT with the Got2be Glue Spray. Then blow dry it until you feel that the cap is hard. That way when you lay the fake hair on your head the glue does not come through on your actual hair.
Step 3: Glue
Measure the tracks according to the actual size of your head. Place a small amount of bonding glue on the track let it sit for about 15-30 seconds before placing it on your head. You want the glue to be tacky so that when you place it on your head the track will stay there and not slide all over the place. Keep doing this until you have laid all the tracks over the entire cap with the exception of the U part that you carved out.
Step 4: Cut the cap
Next, just get scissors and cut the u part out of the cap, please be careful not to cut your own hair. I got a little bit of my real hair with the scissors this time. Oops.
Step 5 Blend
Now just get a flat iron and comb (using the chasing method) and blend your real hair with the weave. Flat Iron all the leave out including the edges, and just blend it with the style mix. This hair is heat resistant. Use edge control to lay down your edges to give a more polished look.
Mega Brazilian human hair Stylemix ~ Pros
What I like about the hair is that it is really affordable and good quality for the price that it comes at. The hair does blend well with your hair and it is heat resistant even though it is a human hair blend. I put 400F on this hair when flat ironing so that it could blend with my own hair and it did not burn or melt.
The hair color is good, the feel of the hair is good, and the hair has a lot of body in it. The hair does not look like a very cheap grade or hair. I wore this hair for a total of about two weeks you could probably go longer. If you check out my video below you can see some tips and tricks that I did to revive the weave and to keep it from looking old and dull.
Products used in this video
Mega Brazilian human hair Stylemix ~ Cons
The main con about this hair is the same con as with a lot of cheap hair and that it does not style well. You cannot really curl it with a curling iron, you would just get a bump and that is it. You could probably flex rod it as I have done with cheap human hair before (click to see). But that can be more time consuming as you would have to let the curls set overnight. I did try to do a quick roller set in the above video, I was really hoping to get more curls then just the small bump that I got but it is not a curl type of hair. You can wear it straight and that is about it.
Mega Brazilian human hair Stylemix ~ Overall rating.
I would give this hair an 8 out of 10. It is not the most perfect hair ever. But for the price and the quality of the hair you can get a really decent look especially for those who do not have the money to just sit and splurge on expensive hair.
If you know someone who is looking to up their hair game but may not have the money to do so then share this post with them.
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This is a really good tutorial but I’ve always been scared to use glue in my hair lol You make it looks super easy though
Yes that is why you use the cap, so the glue does not come into your hair.
The thought of gluing my hair makes me shudder but the effect you create is wonderful. It looks really natural and a bargain at the price.
I can’t get cheap hair to curl with a curling iron, but I’ve gotten very good curls with a straightener iron. It’s just how you wrap it and loosen it as you slide it out or take the hair and roll it like a pin curl and sandwich it between the plates for a bit.