To listen to the blog “5 Types Of Leaders & How To Survive & Thrive Under Each” over reading it then just click the play button below.
In this post, I am going to go over the types of leaders and how you can deal with each of them. You can have a crazy boss, a lazy boss, or a boss that just doesn’t know what they are doing.
All of them fall within these 5 types of leadership styles. So trust me, I do have you covered. But before I continue you have to know that you cannot control your boss no matter how insane or sane they may be.
The only thing that you can do is control yourself and that is why you must really narrow down the type of leader you are dealing with and know the best way to deal with them. And of course, you are in luck because I am going to teach you that in this post. Also, check out out my post on how to deal with difficult co-workers which you can read here.
I also have a video on how to deal with bad bosses called the Christian clap back. As Christian, we cannot just go off on people BUT we can set standards and not be a doormat. You can watch it below and click here to subscribe to my channel.
Are you ready? Let’s get into the
Types Of Leaders – #1 The Laissez Faire Leader
According to a Very Well Mind some of the characteristics of a laissez fair type of leader is the following:
- Very little guidance from leaders
- Complete freedom for followers to make decisions
- Leaders provide the tools and resources needed
- Group members are expected to solve problems on their own
- Power is handed over to followers, yet leaders still take responsibility for the group’s decisions and actions
Furthermore, according to Tools Hero a Laissez-Faire leader is often associated with leaving employees to their own devices. It is about giving employees freedom. Managers have very little personal influence and delegate almost everything.
Laissez-faire leaders also offer certain resources, but do not supervise the process and trust that employees can work towards solutions on their own. That means that employees are on their own. They decide for themselves what the right and wrong ways of doing things are.
Laissez Faire leadership is about giving employees freedom. The danger of this style is that the manager may come across as uninvolved, indifferent or unengaged.
How to deal with a Laissez Faire Leader
These types of leaders can be very difficult to deal with. I have had this type of leader and even though it sounds great because you are left alone to do whatever you want it can be very frustrating. The pros are that you are not being micromanaged.
But the cons is that often you will find yourself doing your work and the work of your leader because they tend to delegate responsibilities to other people even if it is their own responsibilities.
The plus side with this leader is that because they are so hands-off and passive, you have an opportunity to shine. You can really outshine your boss because your boss does not know how to shine in their own right. Therefore, it is easy to gain recognition.
If by chance working under this type of leader makes you crazy because you may be new in the workplace and you feel like you are not learning anything or getting what you need from a boss. Then feel free to find a new job, because you are not going to learn under this type of leadership unless you take it on your own initiative to teach yourself.
And for kicks before we continue I created a skit of some of the leadership styles that I had to deal with you can watch it below as well as how I handled myself.
Types Of Leaders – #2 Autocratic
According to a Very well mind an autocratic leadership, also known as authoritarian leadership, is a leadership style characterized by individual control over all decisions and little input from group members.
Autocratic leaders typically make choices based on their ideas and judgments and rarely accept advice from followers. Autocratic leadership involves absolute, authoritarian control over a group.
Some of the primary characteristics of autocratic leadership include:
- Little or no input from group members
- Leaders make almost all of the decisions
- Group leaders dictate all the work methods and processes
- Group members are rarely trusted with decisions or important tasks
- Work tends to be highly structured and very rigid
- Creativity and out-of-the box thinking tend to be discouraged
- Rules are important and tend to be clearly outlined and communicated
How to Deal With an Autocratic Leader
This can be tricky because this type of leader tends to come across as a micromanager. This type of leader does not care about your opinions and feels that their way is always the best. You are not going to be seen or heard, nor is your opinion going to be valued.
According to Maguire Training, here are some tips for dealing with this type of leader. Focus your time on getting your jobs done and to the level required. An autocratic boss often does not want to be bothered with the details of your tasks, so you are free to change the direction if the job requires it, as long as you deliver the outcome your boss desires.
It is very easy to lose your temper with an autocratic leader and to try to pick a fight. In this scenario, it is important to remain calm, to concentrate on the tasks that you have been set, and to remain professional and respectful at all times.
If this continues to be an issue then limit your interactions with these types of autocratic leaders as much as it is possible for you. There may be a perception that autocratic leaders tend to prey on the weak. This may not be the case, it’s just that their ability to cope with that kind of management is more obvious to see.
If you are completing the tasks you have been set to a level that you believe to be acceptable then it is possible to be more assertive and professional towards an autocratic leader without coming across as being disrespectful towards them.
By doing this, you are less likely to appear to be weak or unsure when challenged. By continually meeting targets and performing given tasks to an acceptable level, you will eventually gain more and more of the trust of your autocratic boss. This will allow you to get more autonomy and the freedom to execute your tasks in the way you prefer to do it.
Types Of Leaders – #3 Participative
According to Smallbusiness.com a Participative leadership is a managerial style that invites input from employees on all company decisions. The staff is given pertinent information regarding company issues, and a majority vote determines the course of action the company will take.
Participative leadership can sometimes be a slower form of decision-making, but it has several advantages that may make it the right managerial method for your business.
How to Deal With a Participative Leader
So this leadership style is rather ideal, so I am not sure what issues you would be having with this person. Besides the fact that they may be indecisive and cannot come to a conclusion. For us quick-minded and very decisive people, of course, this is a problem.
BUT since this type of leader invites the opinions of their employees if you see this leader having trouble coming to a conclusion then feel free to chime in if you know a better way or feel you can help. Once again, this really gives you an opportunity to shine if you are always coming up with valued ideas that are welcome from your leader.
According to Smallbusiness.com, participative style of leadership offers employees more than just the opportunity to improve their income through good performance. It gives your staff members the chance to be active in determining the future success of the company.
Allowing employees to be active in the growth of the organization encourages those employees to stay with the company to see their plans result in success.
Types Of Leaders – #4 Transactional Leader
According to a Very well mind the Transactional leadership, also known as managerial leadership, focuses on the role of supervision, organization, and group performance. Leaders who implement this style focus on specific tasks and use rewards and punishments to motivate followers.
How to Deal With a Transactional Leader
Since this leader operates on the reward and punishment system, the best way to deal with this type of leader is to be on the reward end of the spectrum as opposed to the punishment end of the spectrum.
If you have this leader and you are able to meet their demands then you will be rewarded. So really all you need to do is step up to the plate and even go above and beyond if need be.
That way you will be rewarded with more money or a promotion. Once again it is easy to gain recognition from this type of leader. If you are doing a bad job then you will be recognized for that and even punished.
If you are doing a good job then you will be rewarded. There is no hiding in the sidelines with this type of leader. And you will be rewarded based on what you give. So just make sure you give your best.
Types Of Leaders – #5 Transformational Leader
According to Mind Tools some of the characteristics of a Transformation Leader include the following:
- Is a model of integrity and fairness.
- Sets clear goals.
- Has high expectations.
- Encourages others.
- Provides support and recognition.
- Stirs the emotions of people.
- Gets people to look beyond their self-interest.
- Inspires people to reach for the improbable.
According to CIO.com transformational leadership can inspire workers to embrace change by fostering a company culture of accountability, ownership, and workplace autonomy. Sounds ideal, doesn’t it.
How to Deal With a Transformational Leader
This leadership is not bad. If you are having issues with this person then you need to self reflect on how you are feeding the problem. Because really all this type of leader is doing is setting expectations and expecting you to follow them.
So if you want to know the best way to deal with a transformational leader then just comply with the expectations they are putting before you. Because if you comply then you are doing yourself a favor. The goal that this type of leadership sets forth is really because they are trying to encourage your own success. So following them will make you a better employee.
Below are some other posts that you may want to check out as well.
6 Things To Think About Before Quitting a Job You Hate.
6 Lessons You Can Learn From Working With A Crazy Boss
5 Ways To Tell If It Is Time To Quit Your Job.
Here were the top 5 types of leaders in the workplace as well as how you can deal with and excel under each of them. If you know someone who may need to read this post then share it with them.
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